Star Wars Battlefront Keyart

Star Wars Battlefront: Das sind alle Erfolge

Kurz vor dem Release von Star Wars Battlefront auf EA Access sind nun alle Erfolge bekannt geworden. Und da gibt es einiges zu sammeln

A New Hope
Play every Multiplayer game mode

In a galaxy far, far away…
Win one match in each Multiplayer game mode

Never tell me the odds!
Successfully perform Cooling Flush 10 times (Multiplayer)

I suggest a new strategy
Use a partner’s Star Card hand 10 times (Multiplayer)

Shoot first
Be the first in a match to earn a kill (Multiplayer)

Great shot, kid!
Kill an enemy who is using a Jump Pack (Multiplayer)

A cunning warrior
Reach level 3 once with any Trait (Multiplayer)

Don’t underestimate the Force
Earn a total of 100 kills while playing as a hero (Multiplayer)

Crush them with one swift stroke…
Trample 25 soldiers with an AT-ST (Multiplayer)

That got him!
Use a tow cable to destroy an enemy AT-AT in Walker Assault

Hold the line!
Kill 10 enemies while attacking or defending a control point in Supremacy

Stay on target
Kill 10 enemies in a match of Fighter Squadron

What’s the cargo?
Kill 10 enemies carrying the cargo in Cargo

Playing the objective
Have the most kills in a match of Blast

The Force is strong with this one
Earn 10 kills in a match as any hero on Hero Hunt

I’ve been waiting for you
Kill 10 enemies trying to claim your team’s pod in Drop Zone

„Gonk? Gonk!“
Capture three droids in a match of Droid Run

The power of the Force
Defeat a hero while playing as any hero on Heroes vs Villains

When 900 years old you reach…
Reach Rank 50

Earn any diorama figurine in the game

Tell Jabba that I’ve got his money
Earn a total of 25,000 credits (Multiplayer)

Earn 100 Accomplishments

Complete 25 Challenges

Don’t get cocky
Defeat both the Millennium Falcon and the Slave I

A tremor in the Force
Play once as all of the different heroes (Multiplayer)

Together we can rule the galaxy
Complete any mission with a friend

Your journey has only started
Complete all missions

Earn all mission stars on Master difficulty

On the ball
Complete any Survival mission on Master difficulty within 35 minutes

Precision shot
Get 10 headshots with the Cycler Rifle (Multiplayer)

Scrap collector
Earn any collectible Star

All right, I’ll give it a try
Earn a star on all training missions

Safety ain’t the point of a joyride
Take no damage in the Endor Chase mission

Best star pilot in the galaxy
Destroy 10 TIE fighters within 2 minutes on the Beggar’s Canyon mission

New Recruit
Complete any mission

Impressive. Most impressive.
Earn a total of 5 stars from Battle missions

Off to a good start
Win any Battle mission on Normal difficulty against the AI

Earn a total of 5 stars from Survival missions

Ackbar’s Elite
Complete any Survival mission on Master difficulty without dying

Do… or do not. There is no try
Complete the Tutorial

Judge me by my size, do you?
Reach Rank 25

Not bad for a little furball
Get hit in the head by a rock from an Ewok on Endor

Walker defender
Destroy a Y-wing in Walker Assault

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