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Xbox One: Erneutes Dashboard Update erschienen

Seit heute Nacht gibt es für alle Preview Mitglieder ein neues Update des Dashboards was zahlreiche Fehler beheben soll. Hier die komplette Liste was alles geändert und ausgebessert wurde


  • Parties:
    • You should no longer receive party invite notifications when no one is signed in.
    • This build contains a fix to address issues with choppy audio after pressing mute on the controller.
  • Guide:
    • This build contains a fix to address issues with the Guide failing to open.
    • This build contains a fix to address issues with the Guide crashing after launch.
    • The Guide should no longer crash when navigating to the Messages tab or selecting Invite More on the party tab (which would subsequently remove you from the party).
  • Installation:
    • When copying content from the internal hard drive to an external hard drive or vice versa, the progress bar should no longer display values in excess of 100%.
    • You should no longer xboxdynasty encounter issues installing certain titles from a disc when Play disc automatically is disabled.
    • This build contains a fix to address issues with installations in progress failing to continue when the console enters connected standby.
  • In-game marketplaces: This build contains a fix to address issues with crashes when purchasing content from in-game marketplaces in certain titles (including Gems of War and Guacamelee: STCE).
  • Privacy Settings: You should no longer encounter an error message or incorrect information when accessing Privacy & online safety in Settings.
  • Backgrounds: This build contains a fix to address issues with frequent dashboard crashes after changing the background.
  • MTU errors: MTU should no longer be reported incorrectly, and you should no longer encounter MTU errors when performing a multiplayer connection test.
  • PLEX: The PLEX app should no longer close when suspended during video playback and resumed at a later time.


Our highlighted feedback opportunity for this release is:

  • Calendar Survey: We would love more feedback on the Community Calendar app. If you haven’t already, be sure to download it from Beta Games and Apps in the Preview Dashboard app, then take this survey!


General System Issues:

  • Wallpapers and custom backgrounds: Some users may be unable to set their background from a screenshot or achievement art.
  • Party and game chat: You may be unable to hear others when joining a party chat.
    • Workaround: Switching to game chat should allow you to hear others correctly.

Game and App Issues:

  • YouTube: Videos in the “Purchases” section of the YouTube app will only play for about ten seconds before throwing an error.

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